How To Be An Extrovert: Tips And Advice For Introverts

You’ve probably been told all your life that extroverts make the world go round and that you’ll have to learn to socialize so that you can have friends, a job, and a life of your own.

Introverts, on the other hand, are said to be antisocial and destined to live cloistered lives of quiet contemplation. Well, while extroverts may be more popular than introverts, they are not necessarily the “superheroes” of the human race.

This is especially true of introverts, who need their alone time more than anyone else. Extroverts may have more friends and social connections, but introverts have their own strengths that may prove useful in the future.

Extroverts and introverts are both valuable members of society, so learn how to be an extrovert and your introversion won’t be such a hindrance to your personal happiness.

What Is An Extrovert?

Extroverts make up approximately 25% of the population. These people are sociable, friendly, and boisterous. Being an extrovert means being naturally upbeat, enthusiastic, and talkative.

Extroverts often make great conversation and enjoy meeting new people. They tend to attract a lot of attention and get bored easily when alone. Extroverts are often seen as those who are “on stage” in life, but in reality, extroverts are present in all areas of society.

Tips For Becoming An Extrovert

Be Proactive

Extroverts tend to lead with their brains, so be proactive in adding new experiences to your day. When you stay active, you’re not just challenging your introverted nature, but you’re also practicing the skills that extroverts have to get through the day.

Show You Care

When introverts are around extroverts, they often experience extra cortisol. Cortisol, also known as the “stress hormone,” is one of the reasons why introverts can sometimes feel drained after hanging out with extroverts.

When an introvert is experiencing cortisol, they need to take care of themselves by eating a snack or taking a break. When an extrovert is taking care of themselves, they’re doing a great thing for everyone around them.

Don’t Take Things Too Personally

Introverts often take things too personally, but extroverts often don’t understand why their comments aren’t as personally hurtful to an introvert as they are to an extrovert.

Extroverts often don’t know that the way they speak may sound like a yelling match to an introvert, even when they don’t intend to be rude.

Stay Connected To Your Introverted Self

An extrovert will enjoy meeting new people and talking to new people, but over time, that can exhaust and diminish an introvert. Keep in mind that you need your alone time, and don’t feel bad about taking it.

Be Proactive

Extroverts thrive on new experiences and being around people, but that doesn’t mean that introverts don’t enjoy socializing, too. It’s just that introverts need their alone time more than extroverts do.

Extroverts can recharge by spending time alone, but introverts need to recharge the way that works best for them: alone. If you’re an extrovert, you can use this to your advantage. When you meet new people, don’t wait for others to start talking to you.

Start talking to everyone! If you’re an introvert, you may have to work to overcome the urge to keep quiet, but once you’ve made a few small talk comments, you can relax and enjoy meeting new people without worrying so much about talking too much.

Show You Care

You may be an extrovert, but it doesn’t mean that you don’t need time to yourself, too. Extroverts often get so caught up in the idea of “pulling” others, that they forget that they need time to “push” themselves.

Introverts often feel pressure to “push” themselves harder when in reality, they need to “pull” themselves just as much. You may be an extrovert, but you may also be an introvert.

Extroverts often don’t know how to let their guard down and take a break, so that they can relax and recharge. Introverts often need help to push themselves just as much, but they may need help showing care for themselves so that they can relax and recharge.

Don’t Take Things Too Personally

Extroverts tend to feel that introverts don’t care enough about socializing, so they may tend to push their introverted friends away in the mistaken belief that they don’t care.

This, however, is a major misunderstanding. Introverts care a lot, they just need different things. Introverts don’t want to be pushed and pulled at all times, but they want to feel cared for.

Extroverts, on the other hand, often want to be “pushed” and “pulled,” but they don’t know how to show care. Introverts, however, may need time to care for themselves.

Stay Connected To Your Introverted Self

Extroverts may enjoy the attention that comes with being a sociable person, but socializing may not be the only thing that you enjoy. If you’re an introvert, you may want to learn to “lean in” to your introverted self.

Extroverts often feel an urgent need to be around people, but introverts often feel an even more urgent need to be alone. While extroverts are often happy being surrounded by others, introverts need time to recharge and grow, so take advantage of the fact that you’re an introverts.

Find quiet spaces where you can be alone, and use that time to recharge and grow. Extroverts make up 25% of the population, and they are often very social and outgoing. Extroverts are often seen as “on stage” in life, but in reality, extroverts are present in all areas of society.

Extroverts can be a challenge for introverts since they thrive on socializing and being around people. However, an extrovert can be very helpful to an introvert. Extroverts can help introverts socialize and meet new people, while introverts can help extroverts feel more comfortable being alone.

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